SkyRiver Labradors Retrievers

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Tiger Mtn's Ghost Rider One QA2

Echo is a sweet girl with a handsome face and good expression. She is one of our "Up and Coming" girls, and is athletic, outgoing, and confident. Echo is co-owned by Rick and his family, and resides in Spokane. She has excellent obedience, due to her "real" owner, Rick's daughter Alyssa :o) Like all our dogs, Echo works just as well with a feminine touch as she does for a man. Echo loves to spend time with her family, or going training for birds and swimming. Echo ran her first Junior Hunter tests right after her 1st birthday, and earned her AKC Junior title in short order!

Echo has a beautiful red coat that is wavy and not too long, making it wonderfully low maintenance. With strong Sungold influence from her sire, "Ruff", who is Qualified All Age and an AKC Master Hunter, and strong Field Trial lines from her dam "Sassy", Echo has a pedigree that is a different direction compared to many current lines. We have high hopes for this little princess!

Sire: FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed
Dam: Rocky Mountain Cougars Sammy MH
Click here to see Boo's Pedigree
OFA Hips: LR-187299G24F-VPI Good
OFA Elbows: LR-EL47182F24-VPI Normal
OFA Heart: LR-CA4802/31F/C-VPI
Eyes CERF: LR-57781


Boo Photos By SkyRiver Retrievers
Boo on point at 4 Months

Boo's Pedigree

Boo, QA2 FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed FC AFC Black Gold's Kates Rascal FC AFC Lakeridge's Charlemagne 1994 Hall of Fame
Sungold Firequacker SH WCX ** OD
Sungold Pica Pica Sungold Seventh Son
Sungold Samaritan
Rocky Mountain Cougars Sammy, MH FC AFCRocky Mountain Star III Ida Red's Tequila Sunrise ***
AFC Splashdown Texas Two Stepper OD / FDHF
HRCH EverReady to Roll CDX MH FC/AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH FDHF OS
Deerwood's Rambling Riley OD***

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SkyRiver Golden Retrievers
Quality Field Bred Golden Retrievers
Choral Greer
Ellensburg, Washington

AKC Breeder of Merit
Bright Star Website Design